You can add chickenhawk Karl Rove's name to the list of Bush neocon cronies who are out there giving advice on how to clean up the mess they made in Iraq and trying to blame the problems with the violence there now squarely on the Obama administration.
Rove decided to throw in a new twist on Bill O'Reilly's show this Monday and be completely dismissive of the fact that they lied to us about whether Saddam had WMD's. Here he is arguing against a giant straw man on the left that only exists in Turdblossom's mind.
O'REILLY: Our pals over at MSNBC are blaming you and Bush for the whole thing. You know that. We shouldn't have gone there. If we didn't do it, we wouldn't have this and on and on.
ROVE: I notice that the MSNBC crowd is not critical of the two Secretaries of State who served President Obama, Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry, both of whom voted for the authorization of the use of force against Iraq. I think it might be sort of selective outrage at the Republicans who supported Iraq (crosstalk).
O'REILLY: But that's because you and President Bush fooled the world by consciously saying there were weapons of mass... look, you have to understand what this is. The far left says that you and Bush and everybody involved with this, did it on purpose, that you knew there weren't weapons of mass destruction and you said it anyway. That's their... and they're never going to get out of that. But I'm just pointing it out... (crosstalk)
ROVE: Yeah, that's an old argument that we waste time on because people on the other side who have looked at this say the intelligence came to the same conclusion, including people like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton...
O'REILLY: And Bill O'Reilly as well.
We should have been looking back and prosecuting these guys for war crimes, but the Democrats gave them a pass. How's that working out for you now?