June 16, 2014

First Mark Halperin and now Erin Burnett. I think hell may have just frozen over. Former Bushie and Iraq envoy Paul Bremer wasn't having such an easy time with the Villagers this Monday while making the rounds in the media and attempting to blame the deteriorating situation in Iraq entirely on the Obama administration.

Erin Burnett Grills Paul Bremer on Iraq: ‘Aren’t You the One Who Got Us into This Mess?’:

Bremer penned an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal under the headline “Only America Can Prevent a Disaster in Iraq,” in which he argued for some form of U.S. troops on the ground there. After 4,490 American lives lost and $1.7 trillion spent, Burnett asked him, “How can you advocate any more people, any more lives going to risk for that country?”

“Because it’s in our interest,” Bremer responded matter-of-factly, going to elaborate that the U.S. cannot allow Iraq to become a home base for terrorists like those that constitute the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Taking on the role of the skeptical viewers, Burnett asked Bremer, “Aren’t you the one who got us into this mess?” She confronted Bremer with video from 2003 of him heralding Iraq’s “hopeful” future after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

Bremer defended his words and the actions the Bush administration took to bring democracy to Iraq, instead blaming the Obama administration for presiding over the deterioration of those gains over the last few years.

We won don't you know. And if we'd just ignored the status of forces agreement and said we were going to stay there forever whether the Iraqis wanted us there or not, we could have proven it. These guys need to go slither back into the holes they crawled out of.


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