For Father's Day, we have a very special Music Club. By special, I mean it's Shaq rapping about his step dad.
June 15, 2014

Surprisingly, I actually thought it wasn't too bad. The original version (the one in the Amazon link) has a good production and a better performance than in the video. As far as the comparison between the original and video version go, it doesn't help that the version in the video has a cheesed-up, mainstream, '90s hip hop production, but at least there's one good one out there. As far as the lyricism goes, well, it's not too bad in that it's autobiographical, honest, and even a little clever at some points. However, it could do without the "hot dog without the bun bit," and that goes for both versions. I don't know if he's done anything else worth listening to, but he wrote this one all by himself and it didn't turn out too shabby.

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