June 2, 2014

Just what we need. More neocon chickenhawks attacking President Obama for the prisoner release at Gitmo, and with a bad case of selective amnesia on what whole "negotiating with terrorists" nonsense.

I hate to break it to Megyn Kelly and her producers over at Faux "news" but unlike their brainwashed viewers, most Americans really don't want to be listening to advice on foreign policy from old 5-deferments dead-eye Dick Cheney.

I guess the geriatric crowd over there still likes him though, because they were trotting him out there again this Monday. From Fox's blog: Ex-VP Cheney on Released Gitmo Detainees: ‘Distinct Possibility They’ll Go Back in the Battle’:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney tonight said that he believes the Obama administration has negotiated with terrorists by releasing five Guantanamo Bay detainees in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

While Cheney said he is glad for the soldier’s family, he said we released five of the most deadly terrorists at Gitmo.

"I think there is a distinct possibility that these five will in fact go back into the battle. When you have people this highly motivated, [...] these are the people most likely to go back and once again launch strikes or attacks against Americans, against our friends and allies in the region,” he said.

Cheney noted that the nation is getting ready to withdraw completely from Afghanistan and said that the “so-called trade” for Bergdahl seems like “part and parcel of that same unwise policy.”


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