In a casual demeanor, Sefer Calinak mentioned his complicated history with women while appearing this week on Flash TV’s The Luck of The Draw.
What A Catch: Man On TV Dating Show Reveals Killing First Wife, Later Murdered A Lover With An Ax
May 10, 2014

Via FreakOutNation:

Are any of our female readers looking for a single man? I’m pretty sure this one isn’t taken yet. A 62-year-old man looking for a wife on a TV dating show shocked the host and studio audience when he revealed that he had murdered his first wife and later killed a lover with an ax during an argument.

In a casual demeanor, Sefer Calinak mentioned his complicated history with women while appearing this week on Flash TV’s The Luck of The Draw.

Calinak added that he is now an “honest person looking for a new wife.”









WFAA reports:

Calinak sai...

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