May 30, 2014

North Carolina used to have one of the strictest anti-fracking laws on the books, but it looks like it will only exist in the history books soon. Chris Hayes had Rep. Pricey Harrison on to talk about a law rammed through the legislature making it a crime to disclose fracking chemicals. What that law also does is legalize fracking.

North Carolina News & Observer:

A bill to allow permits for fracking in North Carolina was all but a done deal Thursday as it heads to Gov. Pat McCrory for his signature.

It was a fast turnaround for the bill after being passed with no debate by the Senate hours after the House approved it with minor changes. McCrory, an ardent proponent of expanding natural gas exploration in North Carolina, will very likely sign the bill.

Natural gas exploration includes fracking, which refers to hydraulic fracturing, a method of extracting oil and gas by injecting high-pressure mixtures of water, sand or gravel and chemicals into rock. Permits for the practice could be issued by May 2015.

The governor told reporters Thursday in Raleigh he "absolutely" supports the House version of the bill, saying he's pushed for energy exploration since his first run for governor in 2008.

"We have sat on the sidelines as a state for far too long on gas exploration and having (North Carolina) create jobs and also help with our country's energy independence," McCrory said.

I thought Wisconsin's Republican legislature was bad until I saw North Carolina's. They are going to turn that state into a toxic mix of waste and politics.

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