May 10, 2014

Yep, John Amato called it. The Pope spoke on redistribution; wingnuts heads exploded across the Fauxiverse.

If the topic of the day were abortion or birth control, Sean Hannity and hater-in-the-name-of-Jesus Bill Donohue would be telling us all that Pope Francis is infallible as the living vessel of Jesus Christ.

But because they're talking about the topic of income inequality, suddenly the Pope is not so infallible after all. Surprised? Me either.

Donohue is quite worried about the redistribution talk, but Hannity is far more concerned about the poors and what they pull out of his hefty paycheck. It's not like they're needy or anything like that. No, according to Hannity, those moochers drink, don't want to work, and take far too much of his money in taxes.

What more do they want, he wonders. How much is enough?

Pope Francis isn't talking about forcible redistribution here. Little things, like raising the minimum wage, making sure hungry children are fed, and people receive health care -- those are the things the Pope is talking about. And in response, a Catholic leader and a Catholic talking hack place their love of money ahead of their religious beliefs. Abortion? Infallible Pope. Lifting up the poor? Very, very fallible Pope. Forget all those doctrinal beliefs about the Pope's role in the church when it comes to the Almighty Dollar.

When I watch these guys natter over the idea that they will have "less of more" in order for others to eat or have basic needs met, this scene reminds me of them:

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