It seems the gun extremists have decided women are soft targets open for intimidation, threats and other harassment.
May 16, 2014

How... gallant. The extreme gun fetishists think it's perfectly fine to try to intimidate and frighten women to shut them up. Evidently the Second Amendment trumps the First.

Mother Jones:

As Jennifer Longdon wheeled her wheelchair through the Indianapolis airport on April 25, she thought the roughest part of her trip was over. Earlier that day she'd participated in an emotional press conference with the new group Everytown for Gun Safety, against the backdrop of the National Rifle Association's annual meeting. A mom, gun owner, and Second Amendment supporter, Longdon was paralyzed in 2004 after being shot in her car by unknown assailants, and has since been a vocal advocate for comprehensive background checks and other gun reforms.

As Longdon sat waiting for her flight, a screen in the concourse showed footage of the press conference. A tall, thin man standing nearby stared at Longdon, then back at the screen. Then he walked up to Longdon and spat in her face. No one else blinked.

Longdon was shocked and embarrassed, she told me, but she didn't falter. "Wow, aren't you a big man," she said as he turned and walked away. Instead of calling for security, she wheeled herself to a restroom to clean herself off. She was tired—she lives with constant physical pain—and didn’t want to miss her flight.

"Should I have done something more? Quite honestly, in the scheme of things it was a little man and a little moment," she said. "He felt to me like a coward and a bully."

That was one of the milder stories. Go read the whole thing to see how comfortable they are treating women. It's horrifying.

Chris Hayes had the Mother Jones reporter and Longdon on his show Thursday night to discuss it in the video at the top. The tone and manner of these whackos' threats are unbelievably evil. And remember, they're objecting to common-sense safety measures, not draconian gun bans.

It's an asylum and the inmates have the keys.

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