GOP Candidate Sends Out Pro-Gun Call After Massacre In His Old District
May 26, 2014

So what do you do if you're a GOP congressional candidate after the deadliest shooting rampage in your area occurs? Send out a robocall reaffirming your commitment to 'gun rights', of course.

The Strickland campaign called the timing of the calls unfortunate.

via local news source,

Here is a recording of a robocall received today by a voter in the 25th Congressional district, touting Tony Strickland's pro-gun stances, voting record, and support from organizations like the NRA.

The timing could hardly be more tasteless. Just yesterday, a UCSB student shot over a dozen people and killed six (three by stabbing) – most of them fellow students. Tony Strickland actually represented Santa Barbara and Isla Vista in the State Senate until late 2012, and many of these victims were likely former constituents of Strickland's.

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