May 5, 2014

Arch conservative George Will doesn't think much of Republican's latest 'smoking gun' on Benghazi, or their intention of holding yet more hearings. Will seems to suggest that ship has long since sailed, and that Republicans are being ill-served through their naked politicization of the event. He thinks the Obama administration is more incompetent rather than malevolent. Will's scoffing at Charles Krauthammer's Watergate comparisons is amusing as well. You don't usually hear this sort of stuff on Fox News, so it's likely a memo will be sent not to book Wills for any more Benghazi talk.

GEORGE WILL: I do not know why at all any Democrat would want to participate in this. By boycotting it, it just becomes a redundant and obviously partisan Republican exercise.

It's only a matter of time before Democrats raise the following question, would there be a select committee if it didn't want to have the power to subpoena the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for obviously reasons pertaining to presidential politics?

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