Sandberg -- unlike predecessor Charlie Manuel, who anchored slugger Ryan Howard in the cleanup spot during slumps and hot streaks -- made it clear throughout the spring that Howard isn't destined to bat fourth.
Phillies' Lineup Change: Ryan Howard Dropped From Cleanup Spot By Manager Ryne Sandberg
Credit: lakelandlocal
April 1, 2014


Despite scoring 14 runs against the Texas Rangers in the season-opening victory on Monday, manager Ryne Sandberg shuffled his lineup for Tuesday night's game against the Rangers.

Sandberg -- unlike predecessor Charlie Manuel, who anchored slugger Ryan Howard in the cleanup spot during slumps and hot streaks -- made it clear throughout the spring that Howard isn't destined to bat fourth. And in the second game of the season, Howard will bat fifth against Texas lefty Martin Perez.

Howard went 2-for-5 with a walk, three strikeouts and one run scored Monday.

Over the last two seasons Howard hi...

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