Morning Reads: Welcome To John Roberts’ Plutocracy; Drug Warriors Losing Battle For Hearts And Minds
Credit: PBoGS
April 3, 2014

Via Moyers & Company:

Good morning — and a happy 80th to Jane Goodall! In 2009, she spoke to Bill about her conservation efforts and her hopes for our planet.

Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning…

The big one: McCutcheon.

In other news…

Appearance of corruption –> Mitch McConnell’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, may get caught up in a bribery investigation launched after an aide to Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann charged that Benton, while working on Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign, had been involved in buying an endorsement for Paul from an Iowa state senator. Patrick Caldwell has the story at Mo...

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