Missouri Republicans are unique in so many ways, and now they have the distinction of getting the ball rolling on the second Nixon impeachment of our time. Only this time, the one they're trying to impeach is Governor Jay Nixon.
Way back in 2009 I had the "pleasure" of an encounter with Floyd Brown, who leads the Impeach Obama Republican Parade, and was the former executive director of Citizens United. Brown informed me that impeachment proceedings needn't begin with a foundation of any legitimate complaints, but could be just because enough people don't like whoever they're trying to impeach.
Here then are the non-reasons why Missouri conservatives have initiated impeachment hearings:
One legislator has lodged a complaint over Nixon’s executive order last year that directed state tax officials to accept joint tax returns from same-sex couples who were legally married in other states. Nixon said in November, when he issued the order, that the state should accept the same sorts of tax returns as the Internal Revenue Service, which accepts joint returns from same-sex couples.
Another legislator said Nixon hadn’t moved fast enough to call special elections in three state House districts and a Senate district left vacant by resignations. State law directs the governor to call elections “without delay”; state Rep. Mike Moon’s (R) legislation accuses Nixon of breaking that law.
And a third legislator says Nixon deserves the boot for insufficiently punishing officials at the state Department of Public Safety for releasing a database of Missourians with permits to carry concealed weapons. In 2013, the state Highway Patrol said it had given the list of 163,000 concealed carry permit holders to a Social Security Administration agent in relation to an investigation into fraudulent disability claims.
Woohoo! Liberty and guns and stuff. They don't have a snowball's chance of succeeding. It's just another base-builder for November.