Fox News' Erick Erickson On Hillary Clinton: 'I Don't Know How Far Back They Can Pull Her Face'
April 23, 2014

Red State and Fox News' Erik Erickson makes believe he's a big time Christian conservative politico, but when he opens his mouth about the left, he almost always sounds like nasty degenerate. I guess he is a Christian conservative active in politics after all.

Here he is on Rush Limbaugh's airwaves, discussing the upcoming election and Charlie Cook's analysis when he went into his goatf*&king child molester routine on Hillary.'s very, very hard for incumbent parties to win three in a row no matter how it goes. Look at Bill Clinton going into 2000. I could be wrong. All my Democratic friends are salivating, yea, I have a couple of them.

They're all salivating at the idea of Hillary Clinton running in 2016. She's gonna be old. I don't know how far back they can pull her face, can I say that on the air? I don't know...There's gonna be an age factor there and does she wanna go out and be like John McCain in 2008, the Democrats were playing up the old card

Oh, my God. This is what qualifies as top notch Conservative policy analysis. This is what Hillary has to look forward to when she runs for 2016. It's not about her policy ideas or issues, but her face, her age, her clothes, her smell, her bitchiness, her sexual preferences, her ____ (Fill in the blank)

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