Bill O'Reilly is very angry at Stephen Colbert for lampooning his take on inequality in America so he viciously attacked the comedian on his Talking Point Memo segment.
April 8, 2014

Stephen Colbert must have really gotten under BillO's skin last week after he did a sensational bit lampooning Bill's ludicrous Memo on how the "equality" issues are hurting President Obama. Bill pulled no punches when he responded to the comedian's mocking of his embarrassing assumptions.

On Monday, Bill claimed that all of the evil things happening in America are because the "grievance industry" is breaking down our society and the children.

Then on Tuesday, BillO blamed the rowdy celebrations by UConn and Kentucky fans after the NCAA title game on his same pet cause, the so-called "grievance industry."

O'Reilly: The main driver of the destructive mindset is grievance and entitlement.

He feels progressive ideas are destroying college students' respect for private property and authority. What a jackass. Wild celebrations that turn destructive have been going on in every country across the globe since teams began to compete against each other, but BillO is a shrewd con man.

Then he finally railed against Colbert's satire by concluding that Stephen Colbert is a very dangerous mouthpiece for the left's grievance industry and you must know that he's a true believer and a deceiver.

O'Reilly: of the biggest mouthpieces for the progressive movement is Stephen Colbert.....he is the darling of the far left internet which rhapsodizes over him. Recently, he mocked me on the subject of inequality.

Colbert: Yes, income, marriage, gender on and on and on. And yes those last three don't mean anything, but they don't mean anything equally.

O'Reilly: The truth is there will never be equality in this world, it's impossible. It's an opium laced dream.

Colbert: Yes, I believe that's what Doctor King was talking about in his I have an opium Laced Dream speech.

O'Reilly: Ahhh, but Mr. Colbert is a deceiver. (He talks about what he believes as well as what MLK believes and then for good measure throws in Russia and China.) Like many ideological fanatics, Colbert is misguided in the extreme. His analysis is delivered under the guise of comedy, but he is a true progressive believer. Colbert can be dismissed as clueless, but the guy does do damage because he gives cover to the powerful people who are selling Americans a big liiiie -- that this country is bad.

I bet you didn't know that all progressives and especially Colbert really hate America and think it's bad!


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