A new campaign ad by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) ran afoul when it featured a brief shot of the Duke Blue Devils winning the 2010 NCAA Championship instead of the University of Kentucky. Oops.
March 25, 2014

Not surprisingly the ad was taken down from YouTube, but not before being captured for posterity, as the howls from twitter were almost instantaneous the moment it went up.

via NBC News

In the height of March Madness, hyping the home team is pretty much a political slam dunk. Highlighting one of college basketball's most polarizing programs is – yeah, pretty much the opposite.

That’s the flub that Kentucky senator and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell faced Tuesday, when his campaign posted an online video that included a brief clip of the Duke basketball team celebrating after the 2010 national championship game.

Kentucky is a great state for hoops – Louisville and the University of Kentucky are gearing up for a Sweet Sixteen clash later this week – but Duke’s Blue Devils are a) from North Carolina and b) one of the most gleefully rooted-against teams by NCAA fans whose allegiances lie pretty much anywhere other than Durham.

In an email, McConnell spokeswoman Allison Moore attributed the mistake to a vendor.

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