March 11, 2014

This is worthy of a whole page on Alex Jones' website. While we wait to find out what has become of vanished Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, Hannity and his (really stupid) guest Angela McGlowan indulge in conspiracy theory speculation involving Iran, stolen passports, and terrorist acts.

While rumors have been flying around that a mysterious Iranian purchased two tickets with cash for that flight, Fox News is now reporting that the Iranians were asylum-seekers.

Interpol said Tuesday that the two passengers who used stolen passports to board a Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared early Saturday morning were Iranians seeking asylum in Europe.

Interpol secretary general Ronald K. Noble identified the men as Pouri Nourmohammadi, 19, and Delavar Seyedmohammaderza, 29. Noble said that the two men had traveled to Malaysia from Tehran using Iranian passports, but had secured stolen Italian and Austrian passports in Kuala Lumpur for their planned journey to Beijing and Amsterdam, for which both had tickets and planned to travel together.

Malaysian authorities said that Nourmohammadi planned to proceed from Amsterdam to Frankfurt, Germany, where his mother lives. The woman contacted authorities when her son failed to arrive as planned. The BBC reported that Seyedmohammaderza's intended final destination was Copenhagen, Denmark.

The disclosure by Interpol confirmed a report aired late Monday by the BBC's Persian service, which cited a friend of both men who hosted them at his home in Kuala Lumpur as they prepared to travel to Beijing, the final destination of the missing plane.

World of derp, brought to you by Sean Hannity and the Paranoid Idiots.

[h/t FreakOutNation]

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