John McCain was back for his gazillionth appearance on a Sunday show, doing his best to undermine the Obama administration on foreign policy.
March 16, 2014

What would a Sunday be without president Sen. John McCain again doing his best to undermine the Obama administration on foreign policy? McCain told CNN's Candy Crowley that it's not the Cold War all over again and insisted he doesn't want any U.S. "boots on the ground" in Ukraine, but he's still pushing for the United States to escalate the conflict by sending military aid.

He was more than happy to escalate the rhetoric against Putin as well: McCain Compares Russia To A Gas Station:

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) on Sunday called for economic sanctions against Russia, arguing that they would be effective since its economy depends on oil and gas exports.

"Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country," he said on CNN's "State of the Union."

While McCain said that in the short term Russia has won Crimea, the U.S. can still work to help Ukraine gain that land back in the long term.

McCain said that in addition to sanctions the U.S. needs a long term military plan to help Ukraine, but not one that will lead to American troops in the region. The senator suggested aid to the Ukrainian military so "at least so they can defend themselves."

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