March 9, 2014

Does anybody out there understand much of anything George Will utters on television? I certainly don't and I dare you to read through five of his op-eds and see if you don't develop a facial tic. But there's one thing I can say about Will, as a conservative commentator, he sure is a kidder, who just wants to have fun. And he's found his perfect mate in that regard: Rand Paul.

WALLACE: All right. Final word, George?

GEORGE WILL: I think you're missing the central thing about Rand Paul. He's having fun. Politics is fun for him.

I mean, I don't know if the Republican Party is ready for a candidate who quotes Pink Floyd but it's an interesting thought. Rand Paul standing in my living room said apropos of nothing to some guests. He said, you know, you want to save the bald eagle, sell them?

He was making kind of a libertarian point that is no one washes a rental car. You take care of what you own. He has fun like that.

Now, he'll get in trouble of having fun in this dour presidential politics[sic], but don't miss the -- Jane talks about women and minorities, also young people. CPAC was young people, and they're having fun with Rand Paul.

Will's crack analysis is that the most important thing about Rand Paul running for president is that he'll have a really great time doing it. I'm sold, aren't you? WTF does that mean? Who cares if he's Rand the Happy-man? And isn't if funny how suddenly if you like great 70's rock bands, you're cool in conservative circles.

Check out the new video game brought to you by George Will and Reason magazine, "Fun with Rand Paul." The first segment involves the player/s visiting and guessing how many different restaurants a black couple (or single black person) would have to try before they were allowed to order food. You can either be a black or a small business owner. And you get to pick the decade.

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