Fox News media analyst Lauren Ashburn on Sunday said that the White House public relations team had failed because President Barack Obama was seen buying pink sweaters for one his daughters.
March 16, 2014

Fox News media analyst Lauren Ashburn on Sunday said that the White House public relations team had failed because President Barack Obama was seen buying pink sweaters for one his daughters.

While the world searched for a missing Malaysia airplane and the standoff between Ukraine and Russia continued last week, the New York Post devoted the cover of its publication to a photo of the president holding pink sweaters that he was purchasing for his daughters, 15-year-old Malia and 12-year-old Sasha.

"The New York Post didn't exactly come out and say Obama is a girly man," Fox News host Howard Kurtz observed on Sunday.

"I'm telling you, his PR department has to know that by holding up a pink sweater, he's going to get guff for it," Ashburn insisted.

"You're blaming the White House for the fact that the president of the United States is doing a nice thing by shopping for his daughters?" Kurtz asked.

"Do you hear what he got his wife?" Ashburn shot back. "A pair of socks! Come on! His big cheerleader-in-chief. That makes me even more mad."

"This was funny, the story was accurate," Kurtz said. "He was holding up the pink sweater."

"Then he's got to learn to take his lumps," Asburn opined.

"Alright, you're blaming the president and not the paper," Kurtz concluded.

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