March 17, 2014

Well, regardless of the reason that you celebrate St. Patrick's Day, there's nothing that goes better with that ice cold (or warm, if you're into authenticity) pint than some Celtic music. The name "Lilt 'n' Tang" originates from some Celtic vernacular, "Lilt," meaning rhythm or feeling, and "Tang," meaning a sharpness or boldness. This combination of ideas is manifested in their sound, which also brings together a number of Celtic and non-Celtic styles, both traditional and contemporary. In addition to their knowledge of folk tunes passed down through generations, they have great original stuff that they perform with an energy that really engages their audience. On top of that, each member plays pretty much every instrument, and it's common for them to switch off between songs. Flutes, percussion, lutes, vocals; they do it all, and they do it well. If you're into Celtic music, or just feel like listening to something traditional with a modern twist, this group is a must-listen

Here's a link to their Facebook page if you'd like to know a bit more about the band:

Got any favorite Celtic music?

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