The reality is that the company doesn’t only employ low-wage workers, it also relies on them for a decent chunk of its customer base.
Wal-Mart ‘Looking At’ Supporting A Minimum Wage Hike
February 21, 2014

Via Moyers & Company:

On Wednesday, Bloomberg’s Renee Dudley reported that Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest private employer, is “looking at supporting an increase in the federal minimum wage, breaking with business and industry groups that oppose such a measure.” (That same day, Gap Inc., made a surprise announcement that it’s raising the minimum wage it pays its employees to $10 per hour by 2015.)

Wal-Mart is weighing the impact of additional payroll costs against possibly attracting more consumer dollars at its stores, David Tovar, a company spokesman, said today in a telephone interview. Increasing the min...

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