"I think the Russians have an enormous stake, obviously, in preventing any kind of terrorist act or violence at these venues. They have put a lot of resources into it," Obama told US broadcaster NBC.
US Bans Carry-on Liquids On Russia-bound Flights
Credit: Flickr
February 7, 2014

Via AFP:

US authorities announced a temporary ban Thursday on liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-ons aboard Russia-bound flights, as President Barack Obama said Moscow has an "enormous stake" in thwarting terror at the Winter Olympics.

The Transportation Security Administration directive came a day after Washington warned American and foreign airlines that extremists could hide explosives in toothpaste or cosmetic tubes in an attempt to disrupt the Games, set to start Friday in Sochi.

"I think the Russians have an enormous stake, obviously, in preventing any kind of terrorist act or violence ...

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