Out of 19 resorts that hosted the Winter Games from their inception in 1924 to 2010, just 10 or 11 will be "climatically reliable" by the 2050s, meaning that they can be depended on to have a bed of snow in February.
Truck In The Snow: Warming To Hit Future Winter Games
Credit: Flickr
February 4, 2014

Via AFP:

Global warming is casting a lengthening shadow over future Winter Olympics, boosting the risk that skiers will be competing on artificial or trucked-in snow, a new study suggests.

Out of 19 resorts that hosted the Winter Games from their inception in 1924 to 2010, just 10 or 11 will be "climatically reliable" by the 2050s, meaning that they can be depended on to have a bed of snow in February.

By the 2080s, as few as six of them would remain in this category, according to the probe, which bases these forecasts on trends in greenhouse-gas emissions.

"Internationally renowned Olympic s...

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