- Via Big Easy, Little Choice: The cautionary tale of New Orleans school "choice."
- Even the IMF agrees that inequality is a drag on economic growth. Doh!
- PBS science correspondent Miles O’Brien had his left arm amputated after a minor injury put his life at risk. Jesus, that sucks.
- Watch CNN commentator LZ Granderson call Ken Cuccinelli a "homophobe." (Personally, I think "closet case" might be more accurate, but who knows?)
- Ronan Farrow is getting a journalism award? He's been a journalist for, what, ten minutes? Oh, and the NY Post says you're not allowed to cover the ceremony unless you promise not to ask questions. O, irony!
- The media's hysterical overreaction to Obamacare glitches might have a little something to do with class. After all, how many cable news talking heads have to worry about paying for doctor visits? [Via Commonweal.]
- If police departments were properly supervised by local officials, scams like this would be a lot less likely.
- Jeremy Scahill is the turd in the punchbowl at the Oscar party, and also talks about his new project with Glenn Greenwald.
- Thanks to saturating the airwaves with his ads, progressive millionaire Tom Wolf is kicking the crap out of DLC-Dem Allyson Schwartz in Pennsylvania's Democratic gubernatorial primary race. Can he hold that lead? Of course not, but it's still encouraging.
- The Department of Transportation has issued an emergency order requiring crude oil rail shippers to test each load -- and classify it as higher risk.
- Plus, a boy and his puppy take a nap!