Our representative here in OH-08, Speaker John Boehner, is doing something he never does - holding a townhall. I always love seeing these townhalls from around the country, where ordinary citizens get their chance to ask questions of their elected representatives. It makes you realize just how empowering democracy really is.
But here in Boehner's district, we never had that chance before. A townhall was something he just never seemed interested in. All that changes tonight, with John Boehner holding a townhall.
John is also a really swell guy. Let me explain. It's cold here in Ohio. I mean we had snow a week ago and the temperatures are in the 30s, so venturing out in this tundra just doesn't sound appealing. Apparently John has figured that out, so instead of going to a school or local hall, John is coming to us, via telephone! Whoever said Republicans just don't care?
Now you might be wondering what the phone number is to call into this big event. Well that caring Speaker of the House just doesn't know when to stop giving. Instead of tiring your fingers, pushing 10 buttons, he has chosen to call you instead! Someone must be pining for a special Valentines present.
Oh, but I can hear you now, "Jamie, but he doesn't have my number." Well don't worry, he has a plan for that. Instead of having to trove through the meta collections of the NSA to get your number, you give it to him via this handy web form:
See? So simple. Just provide your name, email and phone number to the "Friends of John Boehner" PAC and they may end up calling you tonight and giving you a chance to listen to and possibly ask questions of your elected representative!
I know that seems like a huge prize in itself, but wait, there's more! You will also get the chance to volunteer for John's campaign. Move over Bob Barker, this isn't some added prize, but rather a guaranteed prize. You get your contact information placed into the banks of John's campaign.
So what you waiting for? Head on over and sign up. John Boehner is wanting to hear from his constituents, well so long as those constituents are willing to work for him or be spammed by his campaign. But that does seem like such a small price to pay. I mean it's not like we are paying his salary or actually expecting him to do his job, right???