A Republican Ohio state representative was indicted today on 53 counts, along with a Cincinnati based church, described as 'secretive'
Securities Fraud Investigation Nabs Ohio Republican Along With A 'Secretive' Church
February 13, 2014

Ohio state representative, Peter Beck (R-54) was just indicted on 53 counts. He already is facing 16 felony counts from an indictment last July.

According to Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters, the charges stem from an investigation into software company Christopher Technologies, LLC. In January of 2013 a lawsuit was filed that alleges Beck, as well as others, had bilked investors out of $1.2 million.

The charges include such things as theft, money laundering, telecommunications fraud and perjury.

Along with Beck, a Cincinnati based church, Ark by the River was indicted on 9 felony counts. The church, which has been described as "secretive" is located just east of downtown Cincinnati.

Ark by the River

Beck was serving as the financial officer for Ark by the River. Beck and the church's late pastor's wife were allegedly involved in these schemes.Investigations have also taken place into the church's tax-exempt status.

The Cincinnati Enquirer put together a lengthy piece looking into the scandal last year. I highly recommend checking that out, as it reads almost like a Grisham novel.

No word on how many years Beck could face if convicted of all 53 counts. The early 16 counts could net him 102 years. Beck is running for re-election this May and has ignored requests by state Republicans to step down.

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