Some of the biggest oil companies in the world allegedly conspired with Morgan Stanley to manipulate oil prices for over a decade -- that, and other stories.
Morning Reads: UAW Appeals VW Vote; Suit Claims Big Oil & Wall Street Fixed Prices
February 25, 2014

Via Moyers & Company:

Good morning! Sorry it’s Monday. Here are some of the stories we’re reading this morning…

Shrinking –> Thom Shanker and Helene Cooper report for the NYT that the Pentagon plans to shrink the size of the army to pre-World War II levels, and eliminate a new class of aircraft.

Fraud –> Bloomberg’s Christie Smythe reports that, according to several lawsuits, some of the biggest oil companies in the world conspired with Morgan Stanley to manipulate oil prices for over a decade.

Toxic water for thee –> Exxon Mobil is the country’s biggest natural gas producer, but its CEO is suin...

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