The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a few jabs at our corporate media in America and their substance free coverage of French President Francois Hollande's visit to the U.S. this week.
February 12, 2014

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took a few jabs at our corporate media in America and their substance free coverage of French President Francois Hollande's visit to the U.S. this week. I'm not sure how we'd manage to get by without some of the in depth, hard-hitting reporting on the French President's sex life and the seating arrangements at the state dinner that Stewart highlighted here.

French Miss: Jon Stewart Destroys CNN, CBS Coverage of French President Hollande’s Visit:

On Tuesday night’s The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart took the media to task for focusing on a somewhat less weighty issue.

After some ribbing of pinkeye-ravaged sportscaster Bob Costas, Stewart delivered a blistering critique of mainstream media coverage of President Hollande’s visit, which relentlessly focused on the fact that Hollande was not accompanied by any sort of Lady, First or otherwise. Hollande, of course, is embroiled in a tumultuous (by US standards) romantic situation, which Stewart posited need not have become Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? meets the Cuban Missile Crisis for the likes of CNN and CBS News, while scolding Al Jazeera America for blundering into “inappropriately in-depth” coverage of the visit.

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