February 16, 2014

From this Friday's Fox & Friends, Tucker Carlson and his pals are terribly upset that a health care center in Michigan doesn't want their patients listening to his network lie to them about the Affordable Care Act 24/7.

As our friends over at News Hounds noted, this was the latest excuse to "crank up the faux Fox outrage machine" and yell about those poor picked on "fair and balanced" pundits over at Fox.

On Fox & Friends: Banning Fox News At Medical Center Is 'Like China':

Elisabeth Hasselbeck started the ball rolling. Sounding incredulous she said, "not being allowed to watch Fox News at the doctor's office? What?" The chryon reinforced the message: "Banning Fox News." She tossed to Heather Nauert who reported that a "federally funded" Michigan health care center is now OMG blocking Fox from all its televisions because a board member complained about coverage of the ACA. Nauert quipped that "patients in the waiting room are asking for a dose of fair & balanced coverage but the requests falling on deaf ears." (Note - Starnes cites only one person, an anonymous disgruntled employee, who seems to be complaining.) Nauert read the offending e-mail which addressed the station block. Nauert exclaimed "wow, what do you think of that?"

Tucker Carlson sputtered "that's like unbelievable." Nauert repeated "wow." Clayton Morris, usually the normal one, said "it's like China." Carlson agreed and added "they believe in diversity as long as everyone believes exactly the same thing." Morris agreed. Uh, where in the Constitution does it say that Fox News has the right to be broadcast everywhere? Read on...

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