President George W. Bush’s former chief strategist Matthew Dowd on Sunday likened Christians in Arizona who are using religion to discriminate against LGBT people to Islamic terrorists.
February 23, 2014

President George W. Bush’s former chief strategist Matthew Dowd on Sunday likened Christians in Arizona who are using religion to discriminate against LGBT people to Islamic terrorists.

Last week, Arizona's legislature passed a bill that would allow business owners to assert religious beliefs as an excuse to discriminate against gay and lesbian customers.

On Sunday, ABC's Martha Raddatz asked Dowd to predict if Gov. Jan Brewer (R) would sign the bill into law.

"I think, in the end, Gov. Brewer is probably going to veto this because it seems like an easy veto for her to do because of everything that's going in the business economy there," Dowd explained.

"This is one of those problems when people use religion as a way to sort of enforce discriminatory practices," he continued. "People used religion back in the 1860s when they defended slavery. They used religion to defend slavery."

"We've used religion to go to war. People have criticized Islam because they use religion to fight people and kill people. This is the problem with that [bill]."

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