CNN's Don Lemon expressed the outrage many of us were feeling after hearing that the jury was gong to be deadlocked on the verdict of murder in the Michael Dunn trial.
February 16, 2014

I'm no fan of CNN's Don Lemon and have unfortunately watched way too many hours of him playing concern troll for every right wing talking point and false equivalency pushed by our corporate media, but I'd have a hard time arguing with him on the points he was making this Saturday.

When you're right, you're right, and Lemon was right with the outrage all of us should have been feeling once it became obvious that the jury in the Michael Dunn trial was going to deadlock on the murder charge.

‘Yes, I Am Pissed!’ Don Lemon Goes Off on Dunn Trial: We Need ‘Mind Your Business’ Law!:

CNN’s Don Lemon got really teed off on Saturday after the jury in the Michael Dunn case said they can’t agree on a verdict for the first degree murder charge. He repeatedly cried, “This is ridiculous!” and got rather strongly opinionated in saying there was absolutely no justification for Dunn to have confronted Jordan Davis for playing loud music in the first place. He said, “You go over, you start the altercation, and then you can’t deal with it and then you decide to shoot someone, and all of a sudden it’s someone else’s fault that you’re on trial for murder? It’s absolutely ridiculous!”

CNN legal analyst Paul Callan noted the issue here is whether the shooting was premeditated or if it was a last-minute decision. Lemon took note of all the people pointing out online how angry he’s been over the case, saying, “I know people are saying Don Lemon is pissed on Twitter. Yes, I am pissed! I am absolutely pissed!”

He continued, “I think there needs to be a Mind Your Business law that goes along with the Stand Your Ground law.”

You can read the full transcript of Lemon's remarks here.

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