If there's one thing I am really, really sick of, it's greedy, amoral, inhuman politicians who worship and fetishize the military to the detriment of everyone else. And if I had to pick the worst example of that kind of politician, Dick Cheney would top my list:
Former vice president Dick Cheney went on Fox's "Hannity" show last night to discuss the recent plans to reduce the Army to levels not seen since 1940 — through a reduction in personnel and removing a class of warplanes from the field — in an effort to cut budgets after a decade of war, calling the decision "over the top." He told host Sean Hannity that President Obama would "much rather spend the money on food stamps than he would on a strong military or support for our troops.”
The military cuts proposed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel on Monday were in part a reaction to the Congress' latest appropriations bill. The Pentagon is authorized to spend $1 trillion over the next two years — far more than the sequestration cuts allowed but $75 billion less than the Obama administration requested. The Pentagon's plan would call for a reduction in troops from their wartime peak of 570,000 to between 440,000 and 450,000 troops.
The plan also proposes cutting pay and benefits for military employees. Hagel said Monday, “No realistic effort to find further significant savings can avoid dealing with military compensation."
Earlier in the interview, Cheney said, "The fact of the matter is he’s having a huge impact on the ability of future presidents to deal with future crises that are bound to arise. ... I can guarantee you, there’s never going to be a call from the future secretary of defense to Barack Obama, to thank him for what he’s done to the military. This is just devastating.”
Hey shithead, let me point out the obvious for you: Lots of active duty military families use food stamps. A half-million veterans of your nasty little wars also use food stamps. You know, the men and women whose lives you destroyed in pursuit of your Middle Eastern wet dream?
Decent people should shun you. For all I know, they already do. But you'll always have Fox to act as your own person fluffer team. Fuck you, Dick.