"During our meeting today with the U.S. Attorney's Office, we were assured that Mike is not a target of any investigation but a fact witness." -Drewniak attorney Anthony Iacullo
Bridge Scandal: Christie's Press Secretary Meets With Federal Prosecutors
February 27, 2014

Via NJ.com:

TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie’s longtime spokesman and current press secretary, Michael Drewniak, met with federal prosecutors in New Jersey for "several hours" today to answer questions about his role in the September lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, his attorney said.

"I know Mike from his many years at the U.S. Attorney's Office to be a genuinely hardworking and honest individual, and I am pleased to represent his interests," Drewniak's attorney, Anthony Iacullo, said in a statement. "He is at best a witness and a tangential figure in these events and proceedings, and I am c...

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