Speculation regarding a link between Apple and the electric vehicle manufacturer has been swirling since tech analyst Adnann Ahmad wrote an open letter suggesting that a partnership could be mutually beneficial.
Apple Kicks Tires On Possible Tesla Deal
February 18, 2014

Via SFBay:

We’re all used to the iPhone and iPad — but what about the iCar?

A new foray into the automobile industry could be on the horizon for tech giant Apple after executives met with with Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk last spring to discuss a possible merger, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Musk met with Apple’s merger and acquisitions chief Adrian Perica, and possibly also with Apple CEO Tim Cook, the Chron reports.

Speculation regarding a link between Apple and the electric vehicle manufacturer has been swirling since tech analyst Adnann Ahmad wrote an open letter suggesting that a partner...

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