It's time for another episode of "Lie About Obamacare For The Camera," kids. Don't try this at home, because you too will be proven to be a lying liar about what happened to your health insurance under Obamacare.
No, I'm not going to be polite and suggest this woman was misled. She wasn't misled, she chose to remain ignorant and uninformed about how she could mitigate her health care costs. When she thought she had a story, she sold herself to her Koch masters in order to undermine other people's opportunities to get affordable health insurance coverage.
Glenn Kessler debunked this one, too:
First of all, many viewers might think Boonstra lost her doctor, as she mentions her “wonderful doctor” and then says her plan was canceled. But AFP confirms that she was able to find a plan, via Blue Cross Blue Shield, that had her doctor in its network.
Local news reports recount that Boonstra, like many Americans, initially had trouble getting a plan because of the botched launch of No doubt that was a difficult experience. She then was invited by her local member of Congress to attend the State of the Union address and participated in a Republican National Committee news conference that highlighted problems with Obamacare’s stumbling launch.
At that news conference, Boonstra said, “I’m paying a higher cost now as far as out of pocket costs and the coverage is just not the same.” But in the new ad she says “the out-of-pocket costs are so high, it’s unaffordable.”
The claim that the costs are now “unaffordable” appeared odd because, under Obamacare, there is an out-of-pocket maximum of $6,350 for an individual plan, after which the insurance plan pays 100 percent of covered benefits. The Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in Michigan that appear to match Boonstra’s plan, as described in local news reports, all have that limit.
Meanwhile, Boonstra told the Detroit News that her monthly premiums were cut in half, from $1,100 a month to $571. That’s a savings of $529 a month. Over the course of a year, the premium savings amounts to $6,348—just two dollars shy of the out-of-pocket maximum.
For $2 per year extra, this lady got the right to shop for an insurance plan that couldn't exclude her for pre-existing conditions. What a bargain.
These ads will play to the True Believers who would kiss the ground Charles and David Koch walk on anyway. To the rest of us, they're a desperate and cynical attempt to make sure more of us die, and die quickly.