After watching New Jersey Lieutenant Governor, Kim Guadagno, deny claims made by Hoboken Mayor Zimmer that Sandy relief funds be tied to a development project, I'm sitting here wondering if the Academy of Motion Pictures was watching.
In a four minute statement, without any questions from the press, and surrounded by mayors from New Jersey, Guadagno categorically denied the allegations and even reminisced about past conversations with Mayor Zimmer, then ended with roars of applaud from her backdrop of mayors.
The beginning felt much like the beginning of the Christie press conference a couple of weeks back, a strong and almost over dramatic denial of any wrongdoing. But unlike the Christie presser, this one was kept short and sweet, taking away the risk any questions by the press might pose.
But what questions might have been asked? Perhaps the first one would have focused around the 1600 word statement her office released on Saturday, blasting MSNBC for reporting this, but not actually denying what was reported. And maybe that would have evolved into a question of why it took 48 hours for the Lt. Governor to actually come out and deny the claims, which happened only after we find out these allegations are now being looked into by the U.S. Attorneys office?
Guadagno's statement really doesn't seem to do much to help her case. The fact that she waited 48 hours to deny this, but was able to blast MSNBC in only a few hours, really raises questions about her denial. Only time will tell where this all may lead.