Here's 'Bush's Brain' with the latest round of attacks on Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis. Keep in mind this is the same man who encouraged George W. Bush to go buy that campaign prop of a ranch down in Crawford, Texas. According to Turdblossom, Wendy Davis is apparently some carpetbagging snob from Rhode Island and she doesn't even sound like a real Texan, because she used the word "gal." (Never mind her family moved to Texas when she was 11.)
That was the way Karl Rove wrapped up his appearance on Greta Van Susteren's show this Thursday night. Leading up to that latest ridiculous attack on Davis, Rove rattled off the rest of the laundry list of attacks we've been hearing of late to guest host Martha MacCallum, completely ignoring that her husband and daughters have all come to her defense and pushed back at the latest smears.
MacCallum did actually challenge Rove when he repeated the same lie that's been told by the show's regular host, Van Susteren, and suggested that the "Stand With Wendy" campaign slogan was a shot at her opponent, Greg Abbott who is disabled and in a wheel chair. Of course she failed to mention the fact that the filibuster was "weeks before her opponent entered the race."