It looks like Sen. John McCain has got himself some competition in the sour grapes department: Romney Says Putin 'Outperformed' Obama On Foreign Policy:
As Mitt Romney sees it, Russian President Vladimir Putin is way ahead of President Barack Obama when it comes to foreign policy.
"I think Putin has outperformed our president time and time again on the world stage," the former GOP presidential nominee said in an interview with NBC News published Friday.
Specifically, Romney noted Obama's handling of NSA leaker Edward Snowden and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Snowden is now residing in Russia under temporary political asylum.
"We are, and I've said this before, geopolitical adversaries," Romney said. "Not enemies but adversaries geopolitically. And Putin lines up with Assad and gave Assad the cover that he needed and won a diplomatic battle with regards to Syria."
Romney characterized Russia's acceptance of Snowden as "a bit of a stick in the eye at America. And I think most observers of the international political scene suggest that Russia has elevated itself in stature and America has been diminished."
Anyone else think Romney would have already attacked Iran and had us in the middle of Syria's civil war had he been elected?