New Subpoenas Expected Today In GWB Probe
Credit: Flickr
January 13, 2014

I wonder if they'll all take the Fifth:

TRENTON — The chairman of the Assembly committee investigating the George Washington Bridge lane closures said he will issue subpoenas as early as today to two aides to Gov. Chris Christie at the center of the unfolding scandal.

Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex) said the subpoenas are intended to shine a light on who else might have taken part in September’s traffic-snarling closures and why they were ordered.

Wisniewski and others have said the closures were in retaliation for the Fort Lee mayor’s failure to endorse Christie’s re-election bid. But Wisniewski said the committee is looking at alternative motives, including a dispute over state Supreme Court nominations.

Wisniewski said subpoenas for documents as well as testimony will be issued to Christie’s former deputy chief of staff, Bridget Anne Kelly, and to his two-time campaign manager and former choice for state Republican Party chairman, Bill Stepien. Additional subpoenas will likely follow.

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