New Jersey Assembly Holds Wildstein In Contempt After Fifth Amendment Plea
January 9, 2014

In a hearing before the New Jersey Assembly today, Christie pal David Wildstein insisted on invoking his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, refusing to answer any questions about his role in the closure of the George Washington Bridge.

After refusing to answer any and all questions, the New Jersey assembly found Wildstein in contempt.


"I respectfully reserve my right to remain silent," Wildstein said before a hearing of the New Jersey The Assembly Transportation, Public Works and Independent Authorities Committee.

Wildstein had been subpoenaed to testify about the closing of lanes on the George Washington Bridge in September, which lead to a massive, multi-day traffic jam in the town of Fort Lee, N.J. Wildstein has previously maintained that the lanes were closed as a result of a traffic study, but Democrats in the state have suggested the closures were retaliation against Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, a Democrat, who declined to endorse Christie's re-election bid last year.

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