Here's to a fine and shiny Friday! I've got the day off, and I plan in frittering it away on all manner of unproductive activities to just to show the workweek who's really boss! Have another culpa, and enjoy the round-up!
Corrente presents their draft of the “Twelve Plank Platform for the Democratic Party.”
Alicublog tracked the Rightbloggosphere’s reactions to Chris Christie’s Bridge Escapade. Hilarity ensues.
Echidne Of The Snakes notes Marco Rubio’s message to the poor is “Get Married!
AmericaBlog has their “What Is Your State Worst At?” Map. Here in Armpit, TN, it is Corruption.
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com with “For MBRU” in the subject Line.