I do hope the morning is greeting you all well. Here, in Armpit Tennessee, we have high hopes of seeing the mid-30’s today, with a warming trend. Surely, Spring is on the way, right? With hope in our hearts, let get going with the round-up...
Yellow Dog, at Blue In The Bluegrass sees the courts giving rise to a New Gilded Age of Robber Barons, and so do I.
Spocko has made and posted a fine animated short explaining, in brief, everything you need to know about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, at Spocko’s Brain. Right below that video on the page, he has posted the TL/DR version that everyone should read.
If you thought the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was shadowy, and smelled of Mussolini’s after-shave, well, Brad Friedman of Brad Blog needs to introduce you to the latest move by our Corporate Overlords—TAFTA—the Trans-Atlantic ‘Free Trade’ Agreement.
And finally, the Polar Vortex many of us are suffering under reminds Doctor Science of Obsidian Wings of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “The Long Winter,” while I was reminded of the blizzard scene from the musical “Quilters.”
Round up by Monkeyfister. Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com