Fox News is having a field day using the freezing weather to question climate change. Jon Stewart isn’t amused.
January 7, 2014

Jon Stewart started out the first Daily Show of 2014 by vowing to give up all discussion of divisive and controversial subjects, like politics and religion. Obviously and thankfully, that didn’t last much longer than his decision to talk about the weather.

Stewart made the relevant points: The global climate and your city’s weather aren’t the same thing, extreme weather of all types is actually baked into global warming, and globally we’ve notched at least 12 of the hottest years on record since 1995. None of that matters to the talking heads at Fox News, who predict that this cold snap -- the “polar vortex” -- will end all talk of global warming for good.

"The weather where you are on a particular day, doesn't..." Stewart pleaded. "No, don't do this."

After a strange tangent about how angry his balls are, he lamented: “Apparently decades of peer-reviewed scientific study can be, like a ficus plant, destroyed in one cold weekend.”

If only there were an expert we could all trust to settle the debate once and for all, Stewart said, before noting Fox News’ turned to, of all people ...Donald Trump.

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