Mike Huckabee launched his 2016 bid for the Republican nomination by telling Republicans they need to counter Democrats' claim there's a war on women -- by slamming women.
Huckabee said Democrats rely on women believing they are weaker than men and in need of government handouts, including the contraception mandate in Obamacare.
Huckabee said Democrats tell women “they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government.”
What clever framing! By putting it in a context of what Democrats tell women, Huckabee gets to express his own views about women while trying to pin it on Democrats.
No Democrat, or woman for that matter, takes birth control because they feel like they can't control their libido, Mr. Huckabee. But you keep pretending like you give a damn about women, and they'll show you how they feel about you.