How much disdain do you have to have for your own audience to do something like this? It looks like Jon Stewart's segment making a mockery of Hannity for his threats to leave New York left a mark. As our friend Ellen over at NewsHounds noted, it seems Hannity's ego got the better of him, since he played excerpts from The Daily Show segment, but with the criticisms of him edited out. Imagine that.
Hannity Selectively Edits Daily Show Video To Make Himself Look Better:
The point of The Daily Show video (the first video below is the full segment) was to mock Hannity’s intolerance and self-centered vanity in threatening to leave New York (some day) because his taxes are too high and he doesn’t like the gun laws or Gov. Andrew Cuomo. [...]
But Hannity included only the clips that made him look good: a pledge to rename all the streets in honor of Ronald Reagan, a subway that goes directly to his home and the cast of Jersey Boys (without the gay thing) musically pleading with him not to disappear “like Alan Comes.” However, lyrics including “vanity” and “far right insanity” were left in.
Hannity may be many things (a bigoted bully, hypocrite, liar, to name a few) but he’s not stupid. You can tell from the expression on his face at the beginning that he knew otherwise when he said, “Jon Stewart actually really likes me. You don’t believe me? Watch this!”
After he played the clip, Kimberly Guilfoyle gushed, “Isn’t that fantastic? A whole Broadway production… begging you to stay!”
Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling were both more than happy to play along. I guess Hannity assumes the geriatric crowd that watches his show is never going to see the entire Daily Show segment, or he just doesn't care if they know he has nothing but utter contempt for them.