Golden Globes Open Thread
Credit: Pop-Break
January 12, 2014

Because they can't possibly congratulate themselves enough, it's time for the Golden Globes, kicking off the Hollywood awards season.

Here's your thread to gossip on the couples, slag on the fashion or to advocate for your favorite movies and television shows.

For a complete list of the nominees, click here. Put your predictions in the comments.

If you hate awards shows, find Hollywood vacuous and a distraction from real issues and sneer at the whole thing, you have a point. But then this thread is not for you. Feel free to partake of any one of the thousands of political threads available to you and scroll by this one.

John Amato: Here's a few of my picks in no discernible order.

Jennifer Lawrence is a lock for Supporting Actress

"Gravity" for Best Picture and Alfonso Cuaron' for Best Director.

Tatiana Maslany in Orphan Black for Best Actress in a TV series.

Blue Is The Warmest Color for Best Foreign Film.

Barkhad Abdi was amazing in Captain Phillips as a Supporting Actor.

Joaquin Phoenix in Her for Best Actor

Cate Blanchett for Best Actress.

I loved American Hustle, but "Her" was utterly brilliant, Best Picture. Musical or Comedy

Breaking Bad and Bryan Cranston.

Jon Voight was awesome in Ray Donovan

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