Really, is there much to say beyond this?
Let's review today's comments:
Allen West: 'The Left Tries To Win The Women's Vote By Talking From The Waist Down'
Bryan Fischer, American Family Association: Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused
ThinkProgress: House is advancing HR 7, the bill that would force the IRS to decide who is a rape victim.
Caffeinated Thoughts: RNC resolves not to support strategy of candidates who won't speak out against abortion.
Finally, the constant reference to Wendy Davis as "Abortion Barbie" has emerged as a party-wide talking point. It's not just Erick Erickson. This landed in my email box this morning from Tea Party Nation president Judson Phillips:
Abortion Barbie had a very bad week.
Wendy Davis is known to many conservatives as Abortion Barbie. She is a Democrat State Senator in Texas and is running for Governor.
Those are only a few tidbits. 2014 will be the Year of Male Oppression, if Republicans have their way, but that photo is all you need to see to know they're destined to fail.