January 6, 2014

This is Saigon Rock and Soul, a compilation of Vietnamese psychedelic rock from various artists between the years of 1968-1974. That's right, most of these tunes were recorded right in the middle of the Vietnam War, but that does not seem to phase these performers. They may be trying to emulate British and American rock bands of the era, but they are tighter than most of those groups and could probably out-groove most of their western counterparts. These performers are nothing short of top-notch and seem to have no problem playing at their best despite living in a war-torn country. On top of that, the music's pretty good in itself. Sure, it may have been hastily recorded as an attempt to capitalize on the success of Western pop music, but the material remains solid nonetheless. I recommend this album for anyone who loves the music of the late '60s-early '70s but gets tired of hearing the stuff the play all the time on classic rock stations.

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