The New Moon in Aquarius is the latest of cosmic events, and its self-empowering energies are already filling the air as the Sun and Moon conjunct on Thursday’s afternoon. These cosmic shifts are stimulating internal waves, that awake a need for change. New opportunities are opening, and this can help us to move forward with a new emotional approach, as well as a clean slate.
It’s a fine day to take a few minutes and sit quietly with ourselves, for a ‘one on one conversation’ with the heart. Because the more we know and understand about what makes us feel secure, the better we can ask for New Moon blessings that allow for peace and contentment. Make a wish from the heart today, and send your dreams out into the universe. Plant seeds of intentions, but also be prepared to do the necessary work that will help to manifest the success of goals. The universe always helps those, who help themselves.
The universe helps those, who help themselves.
With Sun and Moon both in Aquarius, we’ll internally benefit more when we create our intentions around that which Aquarius rules, which is in the eleventh house of Hope and Dreams, social acquaintances, organizations, alliances, friends, wireless communications, the internet, technology, astrology, rebellions, alternative health, new age, science, social work, and humanitarian services. Meditate for a few minutes on your existence in this present moment. Including any situation or individuals that you are involved with at this time. Visualize positive directions that you’d like to see develop, through your own self-improving efforts. The Aquarian New Moon encourages us to quietly withdraw from the world and distractions. As we do so, we may better understand our own personal need for change, for being true with ourselves, while relying on our own originality, independence, and inner source of inspirations.
Aquarius is the futurist, so we may discover new inspirations and faith. Some of us might experience a new calling, to help us to reform our inner compass. In this ‘search for something more’, we may decide to converse with the skies, and reach for the stars. We’re feeling something different, and it has intrigued us to break away from what has become routine and bland. There can be confusion or even difficulty with others a this time, because each of us are changing. And the more that we rebel against that which emotionally binds us, the more easily our heart can breathe.
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. E.E. Cummings
With the New Moon in Aquarius, we’re losing interest of going along with the ideas of others. Our taste for what feels right is changing, so we’re intrigued with other possible options. As we let go of what has become familiar, we’ll let go of burdens, release attachments, and sacrifice the need to control. The heavy weight in our heart disappears, which helps us to see the world and who we are, more clearly with Mercury in Aquarius. With this ‘new set of eyes’, we can become the change that we had hopes to see in others. We become selfless, and easily settle into nothingness, which allows us to be more giving, friendly, and helpful. As we discover and embark on this new freedom, our true inner nature will rise, so that our heart may evolve.
What if that person – the most difficult person in your life – is actually your highest teacher? What if that person is the person that was put in your life to help you? The meaning of spirituality is not to make you sleep better, but to awake you, and you will not awake if your dream is comfortable. Anonymous
To avoid being mislead and deceiving ourselves, be thorough with Thursday’s New Moon intentions. Unexpected changes could be a game changer – forcing us to be a lot more truthful – thanks to the friendly influence of Uranus, triggering the Uranus/Pluto square – which creates break-ups, break-downs, and/or break-throughs. Squares provide us with opportunities to overcome difficult obstacles, but we need to be reminded that great fortune lies in new directions ~ not in the old worn-out pattens. Uranus rebels against routine, to inspire change through truth, for evolution. Then on the other hand, Pluto is the natural destroyer, terminating what is decayed and toxic. One of these two cosmic doors are calling out to us. Most of this is obvious as we watch many crisises unfold in Capricorn areas of world leaders, government, religion, education, professionalism, large scale businesses, public status, homes, manufacturing, land, nature, personal property, finances, family, tradition, parenting, values, electricity, freedom, computers, vehicles, alienation, technology, truth, and respect. And as the planetary weather continues to debate and fight for something much bigger than ourselves, we can expect radical weather patterns here on earth to shift as well.
As above, So below.
Uneasy energy may be felt from Friday’s cosmic events as Mercury enters sleepy Pisces, which will retrograde next week, encourage delusions, surrendering, along with misunderstandings and miscommunications in the weeks ahead. Self-doubts and tension may be experienced as Jupiter rx opposes Pluto. Boundaries could be overstepped in our fight for balance with Mars in Libra (relationships, partnerships), while Venus (values, love, money) stations direct. There’s a much BIGGER picture that will need to be addressed, but only the heart will understand what this is – so be kind to others, but also to yourself. It’s also the Chinese New Year, moving from the Snake, to the Year of the Horse. This can be very disruptive energy if we don’t learn how to harness unbridled energy. Self-control and patience should be a part of our survivor gear. New Moon Blessings!
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